Disney villas and Florida vacation rentals near Disney World Florida

Orlando Villa - USA Holidays And Events

Privately Owned Florida Vacation Rental Home in Orlando

USA holidays and events while renting your Orlando villa

To help with planning your next USA holiday to Disney World Orlando Florida we have put together a list of US holidays, events and celebrations. We hope that you will find them useful in putting together your perfect Disney vacation.

US Holidays and Holiday Celebrations

Date Event
1st January New Years Day
3rd Monday in January Martin Luther King Day
2nd February Groundhog Day
12th February Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
14th February Valentine's Day
22nd February George Washington's Birthday
3rd Monday in February President's Day
4th March every 4 Years Inauguration Day
17th March St Patrick's Day
Sunday between 22nd March and 25th April (varies) Easter
1st April April Fools Day
2nd Sunday in May Mother's Day
3rd Saturday in May Armed Forces Day
Last Monday in May Memorial Day
14th June Flag Day
3rd Sunday in June Father's Day
4th July Independence Day
4th Sunday in July Parents Day
1st Monday in September Labor Day
2nd Monday in October Columbus Day
31st October Halloween
11th November Veterans Day
4th Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day
25th December Christmas Day